Season 7:Cycle 3

This concert is inspired by the kind of singing Kali (a frequent call-into-the-local-radio-to-request-songs kind of kid) used to do alone in her bedroom. Picture this 10-year old version of Kali singing along with the best that 80s and 90s pop music had to offer. 

Here’s what to expect:

  • Back-up vocals with the incredible local singer/songwriter Nina de Freitas and her band—unleashing your inner rocker!

  • Angelic choral lines for a couple of Björk songs.

  • Stunning harmonies in a heartfelt setting of Fleetwood Mac’s “Landslide.”

  • Clapping, stomping, and dancing to a Tune-Yards hit.

  • And, of course, singing about love in all its beautiful forms.

This will be our most untraditional cycle of the year—think less formal choral singing and more closing your eyes and singing your heart out. Who doesn’t need a little of that?

South Africa Trip

march 16-30, 2025

Would you like to travel with Choir League’s director, Kali, and 24 other singers to South Africa from March 16-30, 2025?!? You know you do!

Get ready for a singing experience that will change your life. We’ll spend 4 days in the idyllic countryside doing some intensive singing before heading into Cape Town to share concerts with choirs of all kinds. Many of you know that Kali took this trip in March of this year and had a tremendously profound experience.

Registration is NOW OPEN for South Africa! Yay!

Click the button below to learn more about this opportunity and sign up. Please send Kali an email at kali@choirleague.com with any questions whatsoever about this SA trip.